Monday, August 9, 2010

Aug 9, 2010

Sawubona Family!
I am doing so awesome!! Not much goin on in South Africa, they had a local soccer tourny which was a big deal i guess because people were celebrating in the streets and making noise with those vuvuzela things. My companion is Elder Armstrong, he is a white South African from Petoria (i don't know how to spell it but ya) he is so smart and knows how to talk to the people. We get a ride to are area in Madadeni then we walk the rest of the day and night till we get picked up by the other elders who live with us. We stay in a apartment aka flat, and it is pretty nice, it gets really cold in the morning and at night but its not that bad. I did get my bedding and i didn't have to pay for it, and i didn't need to pay for a bike so i still have a lot of my american money.
Ok here is the thing im just going to buy a sweater here because it will be cheaper, so all i really need is that 9v battery, because i don't see them here. But if you already got the sweater thank you. I don't have a lot of time to shop so i don't know when i will get the sweater.
Ok my first baptism!!! it was amazing. Like i think i said last time his name is Baba Shezi he is 57ish, and it went well. I was so nervous but everything went well. Im going to print out some photos and i will send em home.
So my P day is on Mondays, and we played soccer with a bunch of teenagers and it was pretty fun. We might play basketball today but im not sure.
So everything here is gong well, im trying to learn Zulu but it is a hard language. Im learning to love it here, I need to learn fast because my companion might\ probably will be transfered soonish and im going to have to know the area so i can help who ever my new companion is, but hopefully that won't be for a while cuz the houses all look the same to me and there aren't any street signs and road names.
All is well here in Madadeni :)
I love you and miss you so much.
Elder Fisher(man)

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